Some guys want to be a "Pickup Artist" but they lack the solid foundations required to play "The Game" at the highest of levels. Other guys are simply looking for a skill set that enables them to make strong connections in the world and build a social network. This comprehensive program is for all of you!

Q: Who should invest in THE SOCIAL ARTIST?

The Social Artist course is for anybody who ever wanted to make long-lasting, solid connections in their personal or business lives and to become a man of strength and power.

It's especially for you if any of the following resonate with how you feel right now:

• I’ve drifted away from my old friends, but I don’t know how to make new ones.

• All my old friends are married, and I’d like to make some new single friends.

• I tell people I’m focusing on my work, but secretly, I wish I had more than that.

• I am a lot of fun, but I don’t know how to display that to new people I meet.

• I talk with people at work, but I can't turn my colleagues into my friends.

• I feel like I’m communicating with everybody on a superficial level.

• I'm lacking in genuine human connection and the world is a lonely place.

• I’d like to create a vibrant social network and become the social hub.

• I don’t want to be a "Pickup Artist"...but, I would still like the ability to bring beautiful women into my life.​

Q: How IS THE SOCIAL ARTIST structured?

The Social Artist is a 60-module, 8-week text-based course with in-depth lessons and practical examples you can apply daily to level up your communication skills and become a master of human interaction.

Q: Will Mystery and Beckster appear in the course?

No. It's a text-based course with no video content. 

Q: Do your methods work for people of all nationalities?

Yes. Languages aside, there are some small differences in the subtleties of communication from culture to culture. However, if you are applying the knowledge you learn in this course, you will be making friends and connections wherever you are in the world.

Q: Do your methods work for older guys as well as younger guys?

Yes. The skills you will learn in this course are not only applicable for people of all ages but people of all sexes.

Q: Is there any age requirement to purchase the course?

Yes. The skills you will learn in this course are not only applicable for people of all ages but people of all sexes.

Q: Which payment methods do you currently accept?

You can pay via credit card and debit card (both offered via Stripe).

Q: Can I pay in installments?

Currently we only offer payment plans for our live events.

Q: What happens if I want a refund?

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund for any reason within fourteen (14) calendar days of your purchase date by emailing us at [email protected]

Q: What benefits can I expect from THE SOCIAL ARTIST?

Once you complete this course, you will have all the knowledge you need to improve your relationships with others and become a master of social interactions. In the process, we will also provide you with all you need to improve your relationship with yourself.

Q: What should I do next?

To find out more about The Social Artist and sign-up for the course today, you should head over here: The Social Artist

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